Book review of Life with Fibromyalgia
fibromyalgia, invisible illness

Book Review of ‘Life with Fibromyalgia’ (reviewed by Tasneem Kutubuddin)

Fibromyalgia is a neuro-musculoskeletal disorder, also known as an invisible illness. I was diagnosed in 2014 with the same and trust me, getting a diagnosis was one thing but finding a doctor who would help you with a pain management plan is another. I say pain management because there is no treatment or cure for… Continue reading Book Review of ‘Life with Fibromyalgia’ (reviewed by Tasneem Kutubuddin)

fibromyalgia, invisible illness

When imagination also fails!

There is a very good chance that you are sitting while you’re reading this post. Take a second to consider how much time of a day you spend sitting. Out of the 24 hours that you have, the majority of time is spent sitting. If you are at work, it’s a minimum of 8 to… Continue reading When imagination also fails!

My Stick My Way by Arun Mohan
invisible illness, spoonie

MY STICK MY WAY – Story By Arun Mohan

Hello! I am Arun and am seized with a zest for living life on my own terms. Having seen the downside of life, I have chosen to be a Life Wellness Coach and offer support to people. I can say this with a tinge of sadness or anger at what life has given me but… Continue reading MY STICK MY WAY – Story By Arun Mohan

Autoimmune conditions, Chronic Illness, chronic pain conditions, chronic pain india, Ehler Danlos Syndrome, invisible illness

My EDS story by Shruti Chopra

Hi, I am Shruti Chopra. I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and many of its comorbidities. It was an evening in late October 2015  when one evening, I stood up, felt sharp needles being hammered into my legs and feet, I fell back in bed, my legs didn't feel like mine anymore - they'd given way. I… Continue reading My EDS story by Shruti Chopra

Autoimmune conditions, fibromyalgia, Hashimoto's disease, invisible illness, spoonie

Battle Cries & Retreats

Music  A companion when one has had enough of the real world and its trappings. A form of expression that is most universal, across all age, culture & racial barriers. Music is a crutch, an undeniable support system to any situation in life, happy or sad.  A good song boosts your mood and a better… Continue reading Battle Cries & Retreats

invisible illness

In conversation with Mr. Mahendra Singh Raghuvanshi

 “Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying.” ― Roy T. Bennett Living this adage to the fullest is our next Pain Warrior in this series as we celebrate Pain Awareness month. Mr. Mahendra Singh Raghuvanshi is an ardent sportsperson who has keen interests in cricket and riding. Having played cricket professionally he has… Continue reading In conversation with Mr. Mahendra Singh Raghuvanshi

invisible illness, spoonie

In conversation with Mr. Sanjeev Agrawal

September is celebrated as Pain Awareness Month across the globe.  To commensurate the same, we have been sharing stories from pain warriors, doctors and caregivers of their experiences of living with pain. Today, we have with us a truly inspiring gentleman, Mr. Sanjeev Agrawal. He is a pain warrior himself and along with it, he… Continue reading In conversation with Mr. Sanjeev Agrawal

Ask The Experts, fibromyalgia, invisible illness

Chronic Pain India is now on YouTube

At Chronic Pain India, it has been our constant endeavour to bring forth stories of Pain Warriors and spread awareness about living with pain. This Pain Awareness Month, we launched our YouTube Channel as a step further towards our goal.

chronic pain india, spoonie

Visualising Pain Workshop Experience

When the idea of “Visualising Pain” was shared by Chronic Pain India on Facebook, it evoked instant interest, as I had heard about and done an art therapy workshop long ago but had never seen it as having such a deep connection with chronic pain. Being a writer, I am often asked how I still… Continue reading Visualising Pain Workshop Experience