Will I - A pain poem
Autoimmune conditions, Uncategorized

Will I ? – A Pain Poem

Will I ever be able to live pain free and struggle free?
Will I ever be able to fulfill all my dreams, that I worked hard my entire life for?
Will I ever?

Just one simple question;
I keep asking myself every single night !
Lying in the bed, drenched in tears all over my face and pillows..
My energy and expectations from life all time low..
Still I ask, will I ever..?
No answer but I still never stop thinking..
I try my best to fight and conquer all of it.
But I still fail… when it was all going well;
Unexpected, unaware, lost in the beauty of it, the happiness that surrounded me all the time…
Those days.. those beautiful charming days.. I have lost them all !
It was the destiny, the cruel destiny;
which took a u-turn and left me stunned..
It took them all…


The above poem was written as a voice of someone suffering from any Chronic Pain disease. No doubt, Chronic conditions take away someone’s former life and the patient has to constantly remind themselves that their energy level, their capabilities, their strength, their interest and their outlook as a whole has drastically changed.

As the saying goes for someone living with an invisible incurable illness, “I am paying for having lived yesterday”.

This can’t be more apt for chronic pain warriors who suffer tremendously through each second of their life. So here’s to those strong men and women warriors who are fighting life’s cruelty on the face of it and not giving up however hard the circumstances turn out to be.  I know how hard it is, I also know that those who poke their noses and say that it’s all in your head make it even worse. But truly, I know what it takes to be where you are and to be able to do what you are doing. Keep up the spirit and pat your back because;

” God gives his toughest battles to his strongest Soldiers. “

Strength and Love
Aditi Gupta (Author at calminsights.com )

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